Home » Top Free Online Learning Platforms to Boost Your Skills from Home

Top Free Online Learning Platforms to Boost Your Skills from Home

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Many colleges and universities provide formal education. However, some institutes provide you with the best online classes and online free courses.

The people who are on their full-time jobs and are far away from their institutes can easily attend those classes. Also, this is a good opportunity for the students during this coronavirus period to enroll themselves in these courses and improve their skills.

They can easily enhance their knowledge through this. As many of us are free and have plenty of time during this pandemic we can positively utilize this time.

The World’s Top Search Engines

The internet has opened all the mediums of knowledge and this world is now at the stage of information war. Moreover, if you want to survive you have to upgrade yourself.

Furthermore, here are some websites that can meet the requirements of Pakistani citizens.

From basic to Professional all types of learning are available on these websites.

This is the most advanced website in Pakistan as it provides Presentations and Lectures on basic courses in Physics, Maths, Chemistry, Biology, Mcat/Ecat, etc.

Professionals are available that can guide you. Courses from KG to Degree classes are available.


Textbooks are available on this site. Moreover, books are available with video lectures, animations, and illustrations.


Free Online Courses, The National Vocational and Technical Training Commission Of Pakistan provides you with free online courses and has collaborated with many international universities.

MIT Open CourseWare

These courses are available to the whole world. The Massachusetts Institute Of Technology publishes all courses freely at undergraduate and graduate levels. Furthermore, it is observed that these courses are the best in all over the world. And many types of research show that.


It offers 1350 plus courses, available online. The basic categories are:

  • Business
  • IT
  • Language
  • Health
  • Humanities
  • Science
  • Marketing
  • Lifestyle


Advanced-level courses are available on this website.

Open Yale Courses

Moreover, Yale University has also started its free online courses just like MIT. Also, you can improve your knowledge and can get more qualified through those courses.

Khan Academy

It provides you with the best online courses with complete understanding.

You just have to create your account and select the courses then you can monitor your progress and enhance your skill level.


Courses are focused on these subjects:

  • Programming
  • Design
  • Maths
  • Science
  • Photography


Courses from 140 top universities which are 2500+ in number are available on this site. Focused courses are:

  • Science
  • Language
  • Data Science
  • Business and Management Engineering
  • Humanities

Muhammad Ali Jinnah Biography


The Open University of the UK provides free courses on this website.

BBC Language

You can learn various languages on this website.

So these are some best educational websites for your career and mental growth. Moreover, they will provide you with the best medium to study online. And you can get yourself educated and trained by sitting at your home.

Also, you do not have to pay heavy fees for this purpose. They are free almost. So you can get various benefits from them as long as they are free. We are living in an era where you can not survive without professional growth. Furthermore, the rest can cause decay in your abilities.

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