The latest drama started on Hum TV named Raqs e bismill which means “Dance of the Wounded”. Basically, it is a story of two brothers Moosa and Eeesa, and their customs and how they control the lives of their Women. Sarah Khan and Imran Ashraf are performing together in a serial for the very first time.
The drama is based on their love story. They belong to two different environments. How they will meet? What will be their ending? The drama is going to be full of emotions and suspense.
Sarah and Imran both are at the peak of their career. Imran is a multi-talented man and he is also proving his skills in his drama Mushkk which is written by himself.
Imran Ashraf is seen in an Afghani Look and Sarah Khan is seen as a newly wedded girl. Both fall in love and they are going to face difficulties because of their backgrounds.
Wajahat Rauf
Shazia Wajahat and Momina Duraid
Many famous actors and actresses are performing in this hit. Includes:
- Sarah Khan
- Imran Ashraf
- Zahra Sheikh
- Anooshy Abbasi
- Momin Saqib
- Mehmood Aslam
- Saleem Miraj
- Nida Mumtaz
- Furqan Qureshi
- Gul e Rana
Watch every Friday at 08:00 pm only on Hum TV.
The Ost of this drama is becoming the greatest hit of all times
Source: Youtube
Episode 1
Source: Youtube
Episode 2
Source: Youtube
This drama is the top trend on YouTube. Sarah Khan is looking extremely gorgeous and Imran Ashraf is proving himself as an Acting King in the drama industry.
You will surely be entertained and do not forget to visit our site for more Entertainment Chaska.