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Check PTA Approved Mobile Phone Devices check with IMEI

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When we buy a new mobile/device, the vendor guides you to verify your device from PTA (Pakistan Telecommunication Authority) regulations using the following procedures.

Get your mobile device IMEI No. To check your mobile device status, dial the code *#06# from your mobile, you will receive each 15-digit IMEI number (Dual SIM), and send each 15-digit IMEI number VIA SMS to shortcode 8484.

IMEI Verification through Website

Open the following website to check the status of the IMEI of your mobile device.

IMEI Verification through Mobile App

IMEI verification app is available on the Google Play store, you can check your mobile device’s IMEI status with the name of the DVS app (Device Verification System).

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Verification through SMS

You can verify your mobile device IMEI through SMS on 8484. The system will provide the status of your mobile device.

Before authenticating the device using DIRBS (Device Identification Registration and Blocking System), please confirm that the IMEI seeming on the mobile device screen is the same as that printed on the mobile device box.

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If your mobile device is proven, you will get the reply “IMEI is compliant.

Founded on the following compliance status you may get any of the following results:

  • Blocked
  • Non-compliant
  • Compliant

For further information, you can visit:

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