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YouTube More Secure for Children Now!

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World’s Largest Video Platform

YouTube the world’s largest video-sharing platform is trying to be a safer platform for children. It was considered to be the most vulgar thing from the beginning and has been proven to be the riskiest app for the use of children. And no such action has been taken for it. But now Google partnership is bringing a five-point plan, that will be family-friendly. And more secure for the children.


1. Strict implementations of the guidelines within a small time period.

2. Removal of vulgar ads that were inappropriate for the children.

3. Removal of improper comments on the videos that are for children specific.

4. Family content creators will be given the guidelines to follow.

5. Contacting and learning from different experts who were involved in YouTube from the very beginning of time.

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Good Bad Comments

The implementation of this plan started with the example of a Mickey Mouse who was bathing in a pool of blood it should be removed. But another problem is not only these kinds of videos but the normal videos are taken in a bad sense and many stupid comments are available on these videos. That’s why a strict change in the policies is needed.

Terrorism and extremism are also promoted through this app as many companies boycotted YouTube one such example is Johnson and Johnson. In many ways, the preparation of the extremist mind is available on this app. But now YouTube is working on each and every problem.

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