PSHA Warns of Significant Economic Impact Due to Internet Firewall in Pakistan

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The Pakistan Software Houses Association (PSHA) has expressed serious concerns regarding the implementation of a government-mandated internet firewall in Pakistan. The association has highlighted the potential for substantial economic losses, estimating that the financial damage could surpass $300 million. This anticipated loss is primarily due to the disruptions and inefficiencies already caused by the firewall, which have adversely affected the country’s digital infrastructure and business operations.

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Internet Disruptions and VPN Performance Issues

PSHA has pointed out that the introduction of the internet firewall has already resulted in noticeable disruptions in internet services across the country. Businesses that rely heavily on stable and secure internet connections are finding it increasingly challenging to operate efficiently. One of the most significant issues reported is the deterioration in the performance of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). VPNs are crucial for companies to ensure data security, remote work capabilities, and access to global markets. The compromised performance of these networks has raised alarms among business leaders and IT professionals, who fear long-term consequences for Pakistan’s digital economy.

 Economic Ramifications for Businesses

The association has emphasized that the financial impact of the internet firewall could be severe, with losses potentially exceeding $300 million. This figure takes into account the reduced productivity, increased operational costs, and potential loss of business opportunities due to the compromised internet infrastructure. Many companies, especially those in the software and IT sectors, are heavily dependent on uninterrupted and high-quality internet services. The disruptions caused by the firewall could lead to a decline in foreign investments, a slowdown in the growth of the IT sector, and a negative impact on Pakistan’s overall economic outlook.

PSHA has called on the government to reconsider the implementation of the internet firewall, urging for a more balanced approach that ensures national security without compromising the country’s economic interests. The association is advocating for open dialogue between the government and the business community to find a solution that protects both the nation’s security and its economic future.

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